Press Statement: Justice for the #EndSARS Protesters Killing And A Call For Peace

Ikorodu Division Youth Initiative, a Community Youth based Civil Society and Youth development Organization in Lagos State, has been following the unfolding events and It was indeed an unforgettable  moment and a Black Tuesday (20/10/2020) in the history of Nigeria’s democracy. What started has a peaceful protest turned bloody no thanks to the trigger happy soldiers who opened fire at unarmed protesters in lekki toll gate killing and injuring scores of the future hope of the nation. What was their offense? They are seeking for a country where equity, equality and justice abounds  for all in a peaceful protest. What a nation!

We use this medium to call on well meaning Lagosians and Nigerians home and diaspora to incite pressure on Lagos State and Federal  government to bring all the officers who are involved in the on-going genocide against Nigerian Youths across Lagos State to justice. (We believe that an injury to one is injury to all).

As a youth organization that we are , we totally condemn the breaking of laws and acts of violence by some hoodlums who took the advantage of the peaceful protest to carry out their evil acts. We  thereby call for proper investigation by Lagos State Authourity as regards the video showing hired hoodlums disrupting the peaceful protest and bring all perpetrators to book.

We believe in one Nigeria and want peace for our dear Nation. We therefore call on our government to look into the demands of the Youths and restore Peace. 

Lastly, we call on our fellow Youths to stop  the vandalization of government and individual properties. Let us give room for peace to reign. For it is said that "Peace cannot be kept by force, it can only be kept by understanding."

We deserve to live and enjoy the fruits of our nation. 

Let's protect Ikorodu Division and Lagos State together. 

We call for justice and peace.

God bless Ikorodu Division 

God bless Lagos State

God bless Nigeria.


Comrade Samson Bisiriyu 

Executive Director 

Comrade Adeleke Aroyewun 


Ikorodu Division Youth Initiative (IkdDivNotTooYoungToRun).


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